12 November 2013

Review “MDX with SSAS 2012 Cookbook” by Tomislav Piasevoli and Sherry Li

“MDX with SSAS 2012 Cookbook” has a good chapter and topic organization which starts simply, but not too simply, and builds in complexity. “Elementary MDX” sets the stage for the expected level of knowledge with the other chapters building from that knowledge base. I particularly liked the chapters on “Working with Time”, and “Business Analytics” because the regression and non-allocated expenses are tough problems for MDX newbies to solve. Tomislav does a nice job with practical regression and expense allocation solutions providing a well thought out solution rather than a simple “this is how the function works” which is too often what we get from other documentation.

I recommend this book to anyone who needs a reference for good solutions to practical problems. It’s much more than a simple functional reference. I use “MDX with SSAS 2012 Cookbook” frequently as a reference and I’ve been coding MDX since SSAS was released by Microsoft back in 1998 with the release of SQL Server 7. You can never stop learning better ways to get answers with MDX and this book really helps move you along that path.

See this link to learn more about the book: http://bit.ly/19l8zZH